Working party. There wasn’t wine.

So there are many sailing and also knitterly things to tell you about.  First off my most special of special things arrived this week.

It looks like this –

It is a new and shiny sail for that most beloved of all boats Diagonelly*.  No, not like the Harry Potter books, like a boat that is called Nelly and goes diagonally.  The long winter nights just fly by….

*There is a story here.  It could be long and involved….. so I’ll save it for when you have been drinking wine….

But I am super excited.  This was purchased at the boat show and I didn’t’ quite think it was real as the boat show is an unreal and magical place, but both my beautiful sail and scrumptious boat cover have now arrived and I am a very happy bunny.  I am sure with this and my continuous toe straps of delight I will be triumphant in winning SOMETHING other than the wooden spoon or the ‘turning up award’ this season.  In fact I am thinking about getting quite serious about the whole thing and maybe practicing and getting fit and stuff – and as someone who is definitely thinking about getting off the bottom of ballast and doing like running and sit-ups and pretend spinnaker hauls I think people should be very afraid.  In fact I am quite exhausted by the thinking about it – I must be fitter already.

I have not even dared to unwrap it properly – I have quickly and neatly transferred it into its official sail bag and will be moving it to the boat fixer to add my numbers.  I could do it myself, but I am just too scared of spoiling the magic.

My cover however is fully fitted and looking glorious.

I know this as this weekend was the working party.  Turned out there was no wine.  Not much of a party in my view….

As it was on Mother’s day I did the decent thing that every daughter does and went on the Saturday instead – thus allowing me to multitask and help the club on Saturday, and have the family for mother’s day on Sunday.  That’s right, I cooked, it wasn’t toast, and no one died – all round a win.  A further win was booking the pair of us onto a sock knitting class at the Knit Studio next week – super exciting!

So the best thing about Saturday was that having managed to track down two more balls of the requisite wool on the internet I managed to knit nearly all the way there in the Exception – only one pocket front and the hem pattern to go on the cardie.  Problem with this is…. I’m going to run out of wool again.  I am sure the cardie has turned into a wool black hole as there is no way on the yardage and gauge it should be taking this.  At this rate it will have cost so much I will be forced to live in it for the rest of my life to get my money’s worth.

The worst thing about Saturday however was arriving to the most beautiful day in the world.

Note lovely sunshine, light breeze, jetty beckoning all sailors to launch.

And having purposely not having brought my kit having to do boring things.  I did cleaning of spiders and grot from the outside of the club house and washing of all the windows.  They look like this – so you can now actually see things like the racing through them.

I felt like a perfect wife… all the way up to the point that Michael reminded me that to be a perfect wife I would have washed the windows at home as that is where he actually lives and would most benefit from being able to see out of the windows of.  I feel this is nit picking.  After all you can’t see boats from our windows – so what’s the point?


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